Monday, March 12, 2007

300 = Sea of muscly pecs and abs

Today, the most beautiful day in the city, was spent indoors watching 300. It's a Zach Snyder adaptation of a Frank Miller graphic novel about Spartans who accompanied King Leonidas to fight off the invading Persians. Going into the movie, I had some expectations; I love stylized films, fantasically choreographed fight scenes and period costumes. Fortunately, I wasn't disappointed.

First off, it's a violent, gorey film. Despite the stabbing, lancing, slicing and flying blood and limbs throughout the movie, however, the gore added to the stylization of the film. I thought the contrast was cranked up just enough, the color was desaturated to the right level, and there was nothing too gimicky to make me cringe. Let me just say that the contrasty quality of the film accentuated every actor's bulging pectoral and abdominal muscles. Now imagine that with some leather bikini-type undies and a big red cape and you've got yourself a Spartan. I must admit, it was pretty hott. See below.

The storyline wasn't spectacular and was nothing I couldn't have predicted. But, again, it was well executed so it was more than watchable. Also appreciated was the lack of a overly dramtic love story. Check out the official site for a bunch of extras about the movie including a production blog and video journals. Here are some more shots from the movie:

1 comment:

Brian Jackson said...

you just liked the leather underwear...