Friday, September 28, 2007

I feel like I need to confess

I'm listening to Counting Crow's August and Everything After (an album that I bought when it came out, then sold it out of embarrassment, then re-bought after getting over being embarrassed by the music I listen to) and am really enjoying it. If Adam Duritz is good enough for Courtney Cox, he's good enough for me.

Doesn't he kind of look like Kid of Kid 'n' Play except with dreads instead of a tall flat top?

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Life is pretty tough

A little taste of a chat with Uyen where we discussed body image. She claims I bring out the bitch in her. This is why I love her.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The garden is growing

A month after planting the first seeds, they're finally starting to look like something I'd buy at the grocery store. The sugar snap vines are starting to take over the trellis that I put up, but they're kind of lanky and fall over a lot. The beets aren't as lanky, but they fall over even more. My favorites are the spinach and butter lettuce, with carrots coming in a close third. The spinach and lettuce leaves, I think, are really pretty (especially the spotted lettuce). The carrot tops look like a mini forest. See more photos of the veggies here.

Also, on the bus home from the garden, a couple girls were doing what I can only describe as "speed talking." Kind of like the Micro Machines guy in the 90s, except they were having a conversation. Well, it was more like they were trying to talk over each other (and loudly), but they could understand each other. It was pretty amusing. And then they got into a fight with a preaching drunk.

butter lettuce
Pretty lettuce.

baby spinach
A row of baby spinach.

carrot tops

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Luggage locks are cuter than babies

Audrey and I recently bought luggage for our (seperate) upcoming trips to New York. After reading this post at The Consumerist, I thought it might be a good idea to get a luggage lock. Up until now, I've never thought to use a lock on my luggage. Anyway, Audrey beat me to the punch and got a set of two locks, one of which she gave to me. To my surprise, it didn't look or feel cheap. In fact, it was probably the cutest lock I've ever seen (is that even possible?). So much so, in fact, I felt like I had to take a picture of it and blog about it. See for yourself.

tiny little lock, i love you

Monday, September 17, 2007

More candy food

Fortunately for me, I've been blessed with very generous co-workers. Today, Stephanie carried on a tradition that began with Ross and Lucie and the holiday Sno-Balls. And let's not forget the candy ice cream. Anyway, what Stephanie got me was probably the best/worst fake candy food by far. It was Mallow Fries with a packet of Kandy Ketchup. I ate a couple of the "fries" and thought they were actually kind of tasty. Even then, I only ate a couple. Come on, they're called Mallow Fries.

So, thanks Stephanie for the delicious fries!

mallow friends with kandy ketchup

Friday, September 14, 2007

Friday, September 7, 2007

Legally, Panasonic can't promise you anything

Panasonic has a line of semi-rugged laptops called ToughBooks. The campaign for these computers (done by Sigma, I believe) have taken over BART's Montgomery station. There are maybe 6 or 8 different executions—one for each of the models of ToughBooks. These ad are essentially selling us implications...legally, they can't say that you can work wirelessly from anywhere, but it's implied. Similar non-promises are made on the other ads. Great ads or true lies?

Sorry for the crappy phone picture.

Uses for index cards

Through much clicking on the world wide web, I came upon this gem of a blog. Jessica Hagy's a copywriter that loves her diagrams. Her drawings are insightful, clever, and sometimes hilarious. Here are a few samples of her work.

nobody's perfect.JPG
"Nobody's perfect."

"I hear you! I hear you!"

"Dude, seriously."

"Behave, or else!"

Monday, September 3, 2007

Will Arnett, I love you

Gob was definitely my favorite character on Arrested Development. An irresponsible, wannabe magician wins my heart every time. Yesterday I watched Blades of Glory for the second time at Kelsey and Micah's and tonight I saw Let's Go to Prison per Micah's suggestion. Will Arnett tends to play the villain that you empathize with. He's an ass, but you love him anyway. That, and I kind of have a crush on him. Amy Poehler, you're a lucky bastard.

UPDATE: I also forgot to mention that he's in a new movie I want to see, which was kind of the whole reason for the post in the first place. My good friend Ross, in his cute roundabout way, has just volunteered to see it with me, I think.

Will Arnett bargaining for his life with a white supremacist in Let's Go To Prison with forks in his legs.

One of my favorite outfits from Blades of Glory. Will and Amy Poehler as a brother-sister figure skating team.