Monday, April 23, 2007

Ross gets surprised

Ross' awesome wife Nicole organized a surprised birthday dinner at Benihana's tonight for his 34th. I was the lookout at the window and felt like a dyslexic Peeping Tom, looking out instead of in. Ross met us with many girlish shrieks, his way of saying "Thanks for all showing up on time to surprise me on my birthday."

The meal was fun, the food was good, and Ross got drunk. See for yourself.

Happy birthday, my bald friend.

(Look for Joe Sparks walking across the screen)

1 comment:

StoryOfMyLife said...

hi Young, we like your blog and your photography. You sound interesting, and we're out kind of trolling for interesting people :)

Can we entice you to be featured on our blog?

Kristen, Antje, Andreas & Kenyatta