Sunday, February 4, 2007

Week in review, plus: some future stuff

  • Stressed out at work again for another pitch/book

  • Designed a kick-ass logo and business card for Lee and his startup

  • David nearly went banaaannas over a disgruntled client email

  • Finally picked out and put together a montage of some Polaroid 669 and 665 (discontinued!!) photos taken with various Land cameras; the Polaroid group I started in 2001 on Yahoo! Groups still has people posting...though I rarely check it anymore :(

  • Rediscovered Ross (the dress for less store, not the fantastic web author); they carry lots of great kitchen brands for cheap (calphalon, anonlon, pyrex, faberware, cuisinart, kitchenaid, etc.)

  • Audrey deleted me from her MySpace friends, citing that I'm "evil" and my "bitchiness knows no bounds"; Brian gets off scot-free; I petition for a recount

  • Redeemed and hand-picked my pound of candy from See's; I'm certain the term "like a kid in a candy store" originated there

  • Tomorrow I will win a plasma TV at Golden Gate Fields; I will also win lots of money

  • Come Monday, Jocelyn and I will wander the halls of Gyro aimlessly due to the week-long loss of our leader who'd rather be in Hawaii

Work in progress (top) and live and in action (bottom).


Audrey said...

it i were still your friend, i'd let you know that it's actually spelled "citing"

i am feeling the houndstooth background

YZA said...

what? what are you talking about? that's how I spelled it. also, thanks for the lovely comment you left on the bookcase photo on my flickr