Sunday, February 11, 2007

Red Wall Series coming together

Friends, I want YOU to be part of this series. Come by and stand in front of The Wall for me. I'll bake you cookies.

tammy_1.jpg sheila_2.jpg nick_1.jpg 7.jpg
nam_2.jpg mike_1.jpg michelle_1.jpg 1.jpg
helena_2.jpg audrey_3.jpg 5.jpg 3.jpg


Audrey said...

um i'm in here twice and i don't like that

YZA said...

that's because you were greedy and wanted two sessions

Audrey said...

sessions? you're such a liar. i wanted one picture when i was wearing my red coat cause it was the same color as the wall. i never asked for it to be part of your "series"

Anonymous said...

Dude, what's up with the chick that's in their twice? Does she think she's a model or something?