Sunday, July 27, 2008

A Sunday afternoon WTF

So I was reading and there's an article about Gavin Newsom's wedding to a rich, blonde bimbo. Ok, so it's SF Gate and I guess Gavin Newsom is the mayor of San Francisco so it's kinda almost relevant to write about his wedding, right? But, uh, did they have to get former SF mayor Willie Brown to write it? The article reminds me of Gizmodo's liveblogging of an Apple event, except it's not entertaining and there's no iPhone hype afterwards. Oh, but Huey Lewis played at the wedding! That was pretty exciting.

Here's a sample of the article:

The theme of the wedding is "Out of Africa," Montana style.

So I had to get a new outfit for the wedding: white silk and linen sun blazer, white Riviera collar shirt, Brioni khakis and brown-and-white spectator pumps.

Robert Redford would be proud.

Bravo, Willie!


1 comment:

it's not a gravy train said...

So sad he is married, i mean honestly, i thought we had a chance.