Thursday, July 17, 2008

iPhone happiness and rediscovering "California's Gold"

After that sad, sad Friday where I wasn't able to get an iPhone, I didn't give up. Uyen and Andrew were in town this past weekend from New York for a wedding. Unfortunately, on Sunday, Uyen drank a little too much the night before and spent the day getting to know my toilet. I wanted to give them a chance to sleep at my place, so I grabbed Patrick and made him go to the Apple store just to check out the line. It was the shortest I'd seen it (still about 50 poeople) so I had to jump right in. After about 45 minutes I was a proud owner of a black 16GB iPhone. It hasn't left my side since; I'm totally in love.

The iPhone has since taken the friendship between me and Tristan to a new level (we've texted each other on our phones!). Incidentally, one of those texts was about "California's Gold," a show I used to watch as a young man. It was hosted and produced by Huell Howser and often showed him on a train full of dining senior citizens or standing on a dry lake bed somewhere in the California desert. Thanks to Tristan, now I know that there are podcasts that I can download and watch!! There's a "spinoff" called "California's Gold Visiting" where Huell goes to different countries. I've downloaded the Russian one and will watch it soon. Check it out!

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