Friday, July 11, 2008

Day of iPhone sadness :(

I could barely sleep last night, imagining a new iPhone up against my ear. This morning, waking up to an alarm set an hour earlier than usual, I got up and was out the door by 7:15 so I could get in line about half an hour before the 8 am sale time. Approaching the AT&T store across the street from my office there was hope. The line seemed short, but the closer I got the longer it got. I didn't want to stand in that long of a line so I went up Market Street to the next closest one. The line was even longer and I think might have been two or three deep.

Since it was about an hour and a half before I usually show up to the office, I decided to go back to the Mission to see what the line was like at the AT&T store there. At this point desperation started setting in. I NEED AN iPHONE! When I saw the line, which extended the length of the long Mission block, the possibility of me being an iPhone owner died a horrible, bloody death. I haven't given up yet. I'll try again at lunch. Maybe I'll even try the Apple store, though I couldn't the lines being any shorter. But now there's a new dilemma. Black or white?

1 comment:

bb char said...

ugh, i can't believe kira got the iphone before you .