Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I love New York, but I still love SF more

Every time I make a visit to NY, I love it a little more. It's the city that doesn't know how to be boring (though I can't say that for myself when I'm there). The 4am bar closing time kicks my ass every time.

The best part about New York is hangin' with my main bitch, Uyen. She was nice enough to let me stay with her the whole week I was there. "Ban, ma," she would say. Thanks to her I now know how to make eggrolls (why didn't I take pictures of them??!).

Thanks, also, to my other friends who were nice enough to meet up with me while I was there: Ryan, Caitlin and Jeff, Alicia, Jarron and Ben, Joey, and Ellie, who showed me around Philly.

Though my time in NY was well spent, the heat and humidity got to me. I was so glad to be home and walk out into crisp, cold, dry air. Hello, San Francisco!

When When on the rooftop.

Fun building across from Uyen's apartment in Brooklyn.

Stairway to a hot, sweaty hell.

Young City Fish Balls

Alleyway that looks like other NY alleyways I've been down.

Guilty! (In Philadelphia)

Hangin' by the Delaware River.

FroYo and Andrew's ass (I think).

Lookin' good, feelin' good.

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