Monday, July 9, 2007

Not so smooth move

If you ever decide to take an herbal tea laxative, make sure you drink lots of water afterwards and only drink one bag's worth of the tea at a time. It started when I was feeling a little bit blocked, if you know what I mean. After a couple days of, blocked, I thought it was time to make good use of the Smooth Move laxative tea left over from my Master Cleanse days. Instead of steeping just one bag, I thought it would work twice as fast if I used two bags. There's an 8 to 12 hours wait, the box said.

Trouble started the next day when I couldn't stop visiting the throne. It's a good idea to keep your whole day free if you're going to take this tea. Nature will call often. As I sit here writing this blog (two days after the fact), Nature is still tugging at my sleeve...ever so slightly.

1 comment:

bass said...

i wish your throne was my chest.