Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Goodbye, 2008

It's that time of year again. The list from the beginning of 2008 was carried out pretty well, with at least a 50% success rate. Here's a list of what I'd like to see happen in 2009 for myself. See you in OH NINE!

1. Get new DSLR and new point and shoot
2. After getting #1 done, take more pictures
3. Fit into a size 30" jeans again
4. Recycle/reuse/conserve more
5. Be healthier in general
6. Stop renting
7. Go out more
8. Drink (it really is socially crippling to not drink)
9. Smoke less
10. Make more lists

Below is the worst animated GIF I've ever seen in my life.


it's not a gravy train said...

No, don't start drinking. I personally think it is hip not to drink. tee hee.

bb char said...

you left out "move to nyc"

Dugaldo said...

30" jeans? Lets not get too ambitious now.

uyen uyen said...

eat less. you forgot that.

YZA said...

no, no. that's what exercise is for. it's easier for me to exercise more than to eat less. it's sad, but true

The Tens said...

No, drink more. Drink heavily. And do it while I'm on drinking hiatus so I can talk shit about how belligerent you get.