Tuesday, April 22, 2008

SRSLY, Mother Nature, I'm gonna kick your ass

The weather in San Francisco has been completely horrible lately, especially for allergy sufferers. A few weeks back we had awesome hot, park weather which lasted for all of 3 or 4 days. Then the wind picked up, and the weather dropped to WINTER LOWS, then the trees and plants started blooming. Thank you, Mother Nature, for my clogged sinuses, for the goopy, watery, itchy eyes that I have to pry open every morning, and for the annoying headaches...I HATE YOU.

Also, my neck's been fucked up and that's made me extra cranky about all this. Luckily, it's supposed to be really nice this weekend. Hopefully the nice weather will extend down to Big Sur, where I'll be camping. Of course, it's supposed to rain tonight before we get to the nice weather. Sigh.

On a side note, Sheila loves the Counting Crows.

sheila LOVES the counting crows


bb char said...

you're sexist. it's Father Winter's fault for killing all the plants in the first place. why don't you be a man and kick his ass?

ps. i saw counting crows at a ski resort in PA over ten years ago!

uyen uyen said...

she says "too" which means that she was in agreement with you.