Tuesday, April 22, 2008

SRSLY, Mother Nature, I'm gonna kick your ass

The weather in San Francisco has been completely horrible lately, especially for allergy sufferers. A few weeks back we had awesome hot, park weather which lasted for all of 3 or 4 days. Then the wind picked up, and the weather dropped to WINTER LOWS, then the trees and plants started blooming. Thank you, Mother Nature, for my clogged sinuses, for the goopy, watery, itchy eyes that I have to pry open every morning, and for the annoying headaches...I HATE YOU.

Also, my neck's been fucked up and that's made me extra cranky about all this. Luckily, it's supposed to be really nice this weekend. Hopefully the nice weather will extend down to Big Sur, where I'll be camping. Of course, it's supposed to rain tonight before we get to the nice weather. Sigh.

On a side note, Sheila loves the Counting Crows.

sheila LOVES the counting crows

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Sheila's a stinky mess

People (aka Sheila) will confess strange things in chat.

toilet chat

Monday, April 7, 2008

A new hobby*

*I tried REALLY, REALLY hard to not use the word "sew" as a pun in the title. You're welcome.

Impulse buy of the week: sewing machine. Well, truthfully, it wasn't really that impulsive. I've always wanted one and have borrowed from friends for small projects. Besides a straight stitch, I don't know much more about a sewing machine.

After going to a couple of art shows recently, I've been inspired to start making things. This coincided perfectly with my desire for a sewing machine; I figured if I had a sewing machine, I'd be more motivated to create. One plus one equals two, so the research for the right machine started. There were a couple that I wanted that were completely out of my price range (but one did embroidering and had an LCD display...hott), and would have been ridiculous for me to consider.

After a few hours of research, the Singer 7444 turned out to be the perfect balance between value and features. It's a nice, boxy design with electronic controls. A test drive with a piece of fabric proved that it wasn't too difficult to use. So far, I love it. Hopefully it'll be used regularly, unlike other impulse buys I've made in the past.

Oh! I also bought a caddy for all the threads, shears, needles and bobbins I'll be buying in the future. God, I'm gay.

singer 7444

cloth with test stitches
A few test stitches. My favorite is the alternating squares.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April fooled ya

The best April Fools Day prank has to be YouTube linking every single featured video to Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up" video, Rickrolling internet surfers to a degree never before imagined. Just now, Sheila sent me this video: a scene-for-scene re-creation of the video. Kind of like Gus Van Sant's "Psycho," but much more entertaining. The guy who "plays" Rick could have been a bit more passionate about his role.

Also, I apologize for all the Rick Astley posts lately, but he's totes worth blogging about.