Saturday, May 2, 2009

Week in review

Just some bits and pieces of you.

  • I've postponed the trip Patrick and I were going to take to the Dominican Repulbic, which turned into Costa Rica, but now probably Puerto Rico. It was mostly because it'll be unbelievably hot and humid there, but also because it'll be hurricane season and I kinda want to see if this Swine Flu business will taper off soon.

  • I found an awesome app for the iPhone/iPod that takes your pictures and turns them into actual postcards that physically gets sent. This will be handy when I'm on Caribbean beaches.

  • My garden is doing well. This season: tomatoes, beets, butter lettuce, zucchinis, eggplants, okra, and maybe some marigolds and herbs.

  • I've decided I want a car. But there's that money thing I need to deal with first.

  • Work has been kind of ridiculously demanding this year so far, but it seems to be getting least until next week.

  • I am super excited to go camping again this June. Haven't been in a while. I'll probably plan another Big Sur trip soon. I love that place. Who's in?

Here's a photo of Brian being attacked by a blue jay on one of our camping trips.


Dugaldo said...

Aren't putos immune to H1N1?

I'm excited for you about your upcoming trip. I have one coming up this summer too, we just haven't picked somewhere to go. And then there's the money thing.

The Tens said...

That photo caption should read: Brian valiantly rescues the helpless city folk from vicious wildlife.