Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Gorging Day!

Now I can official hunt down a Christmas sweater. Why is it that after three years of looking for the perfect one, I'm still searching? It's not like my requisites are extremely. All I ask is that it's knitted, has reindeer and snowflakes, and can either be red or green (but preferrably the former). If anyone sees one, grab it for me.

But for today, let's give thanks. Who better to do that than William Burroughs?

Thanks for everything!


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I tried to read Naked Lunch once. Got to about page 28.

YZA said...

i owned it for about 5 or 6 years and got through half. one day i'll take some acid and finish the rest.

Anonymous said...

wasn't i supposed to swipe one of my mom's xmas sweaters for you?