Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Sheila and I shop

Fighting our inner shoppers is hard. We went shopping for Christmas sweaters last night and ended up putting a jacket each on hold. Today, we debated going back and buying them.

Picture 9

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Gorging Day!

Now I can official hunt down a Christmas sweater. Why is it that after three years of looking for the perfect one, I'm still searching? It's not like my requisites are extremely. All I ask is that it's knitted, has reindeer and snowflakes, and can either be red or green (but preferrably the former). If anyone sees one, grab it for me.

But for today, let's give thanks. Who better to do that than William Burroughs?

Thanks for everything!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Photos are taken

So after spending a fortune on new camera equipment, I still have a laundry list of things I have yet to buy. Those include a circular polarizer, a diffuser for the flash, perhaps another flash for more complex strobe photos, a wide angle lens, and of course, a new camera bag to carry all the new stuff in.

I'm trying to take as many photos as I can to justify the cost of the equipment. Here are a few examples.

sarah sips wine at the standard



peter with monocle and moustache

autum leaves in san jose

nala on carpet

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Christmas came early

My sister texted me a few days ago and wanted a Ninteno DS with Brain Age (which is kind of fun, if not a bit frustrating) for her birthday this year. Our birthdays are close enough to Christmas that we sometimes just give/get one gift. Since I blew a big chunk of cash on camera equipment very recently (see previous post), getting a game system would put another a big dent in my budget. But, what the hell, I'll try to get something good out of the deal. What should I ask for? There was only one logical answer to that question: Guitar Hero for the PS2 I inherited from my cousin.

I've played the game briefly and it's pretty addictive. Guitar Hero is probably my second favorite time-waster; number goes to the world wide web. There are no minors or majors, no callused finger tips, no broken strings, and absolutely no bar chords. It's a (non)guitarist's dream. You just press one (or two or three or four) of the five button on the plastic guitar controller as the notes fly by on screen. As Audrey noted while we were playing, I tend to heel-tap and chicken-neck to the beat of the songs I like, particularly Cheap Trick's "Surrender."

Who's going to let me throw a Guitar Hero party at their place??