Friday, March 20, 2009

A new camera, a new venture

After getting over the shock and disbelief of my DSLR crapping out on me in China (and consequently destroying ALL my photos taken up until that day there, including ones of the Great Wall), I planned on getting myself a newer, better camera.

Last week I finally did it (after 4 months of deliberation) and got myself another Canon, this time the XSi. Instead of 8MP, now I have an insane 12.2MP per shot. I don't know when I'll ever need that many pixels, but whatever.

Today I came up with the brilliant plan to start taking pictures with it to sell as stock photography. I've gotta make it worth my while, right? I got a huge sheet of white paper and started shooting whatever was around the apartment and got some decent images. Maybe I'll make enough money to buy decent lighting supplies one day. Here are a few samples.

The creepiest mask ever made

fake latex hand
A bloody latex hand

A souvenir from China

Sock monkey

A stone stamp, also from China